Catalog #:
IN0126IN0126-10mg | USD45.0 |
Synonyms: 2,6-Diamino-5-hydroxycaproic acid hydrochloride, 2,6-Diamino-5-hydroxyhexanoic acid hydrochloride, DL-5-Hydroxylysine hydrochloride

(±)-2-(2-{4-[(4-chlorophenyl)-phenylmethyl]piperazin -1-yl}ethoxy)ethanol
Functional Activity:
Glutamine synthetase inhibitor. It is also an α-aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor (Ki of 1.65 mM) and Aspartate kinase regulator.
Technical Data:
M.Wt: 198.65
Formula: C6H15ClN2O3
Solubility: Soluble in DMSO and ethanol
Purity: >97%
Storage: Dessicate at 4°C
CAS No.: 13204-98-3
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References for δ-Hydroxylysine
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2. Dittrich, B., McKinnon, J. J., and Warren, J. E. Improvement of anisotropic displacement parameters from invariom-model refinements for three L-hydroxylysine structures. Acta Crystallogr B, 64: 750-759, 2008.
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4. Langrock, T., Garcia-Villar, N., and Hoffmann, R. Analysis of hydroxyproline isomers and hydroxylysine by reversed-phase HPLC and mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 847: 282-288, 2007.
5. Gustafsson, T., Hedenstrom, M., and Kihlberg, J. Synthesis of a C-glycoside analogue of beta-D-galactosyl hydroxylysine and incorporation in a glycopeptide from type II collagen. J Org Chem, 71: 1911-1919, 2006.
6. Marin, J., Blaton, M. A., Briand, J. P., Chiocchia, G., Fournier, C., and Guichard, G. Synthesis of glycopeptides from type II collagen-incorporating galactosylated hydroxylysine mimetics and their use in studying the fine specificity of arthritogenic T cells. Chembiochem, 6: 1796-1804, 2005.