Quinacrine dihydrochloride
Catalog #:
IN0106IN0106-100mg | USD39.0 |
Synonyms: Atebrin dihydrochloride, Mepacrine dihydrochloride

6-Chloro-9-(4-diethylamino-1-methylbutylamino)-2-methoxyacridine dihydrochloride
Functional Activity:
MAO-A/B inhibitor.
Technical Data:
M.Wt: 472.88
Formula: C23H30Cl N30.2HCl
Solubility: Soluble to water
Purity: >97%
Storage: Dessicate at RT
CAS No.: 69-05-6
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References for Quinacrine dihydrochloride:
1. Chau, C. H. and Figg, W. D. New tricks from an old drug: a role for quinacrine in anti-cancer therapy? Cell Cycle, 8: 4024-4025, 2009.
2. Ghaemmaghami, S., Ahn, M., Lessard, P., Giles, K., Legname, G., DeArmond, S. J., and Prusiner, S. B. Continuous quinacrine treatment results in the formation of drug-resistant prions. PLoS Pathog, 5: e1000673, 2009.
3. Cancel, A. M., Dillberger, J. E., Kelly, C. M., Bolte, H. F., Creasy, D. M., and Sokal, D. C. A lifetime cancer bioassay of quinacrine administered into the uterine horns of female rats. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 56: 156-165.
4. Wong, I. L., Chan, K. F., Zhao, Y., Chan, T. H., and Chow, L. M. Quinacrine and a novel apigenin dimer can synergistically increase the pentamidine susceptibility of the protozoan parasite Leishmania. J Antimicrob Chemother, 63: 1179-1190, 2009.