Catalog #:
AG0002AG0002-100mg | USD39.0 |
Synonyms: Carbamoylcholine chloride, Carbamoylcholine chloride, Miostat, Carbamiotin

2-carbamoyloxyethyl(trimethyl)azanium chloride
Functional Activity:
Carbachol is a drug that binds and activates the acetylcholine receptor. Thus it is classified as a cholinergic agonist. It is primarily used for various ophthalmic purposes, such as for treating glaucoma, or for use during ophthalmic surgery. It is generally administered as an ophthalmic solution (i.e. eyedrops).
Technical Data:
M.Wt: 182.65
Formula: C6H11ClN2O2
Solubility: Soluble to 100 mM in water and to 50 mM in DMSO
Purity: >98%
Storage: Dessicate at RT
CAS No.: 51-83-2
Special Conditions:
This product is a Dangerous Good (UN1544) and carries a $10 dangerous goods packaging fee.
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References for Carbachol:
1. Wang, H., Yu, Y. Q., Liao, W. J., Wang, Z. R., Lv, Y. J., Zhang, Y. G., and Gao, T. W. Negative regulation of endogenous protein kinase Calpha on the dynamic change of carbachol-induced intracellular calcium response in different melanoma cells. J Cell Physiol, 221: 276-282, 2009.
2. Rossler, O. G., Henss, I., and Thiel, G. Transcriptional response to muscarinic acetylcholine receptor stimulation: regulation of Egr-1 biosynthesis by ERK, Elk-1, MKP-1, and calcineurin in carbachol-stimulated human neuroblastoma cells. Arch Biochem Biophys, 470: 93-102, 2008.
3. Guizzetti, M., Thompson, B. D., Kim, Y., VanDeMark, K., and Costa, L. G. Role of phospholipase D signaling in ethanol-induced inhibition of carbachol-stimulated DNA synthesis of 1321N1 astrocytoma cells. J Neurochem, 90: 646-653, 2004.
4. Tang, S. H. and Sharp, G. W. Atypical protein kinase C isozyme zeta mediates carbachol-stimulated insulin secretion in RINm5F cells. Diabetes, 47: 905-912, 1998.
5. Liu, T. Y. and Chueh, S. H. Carbachol but not bradykinin blocks the enkephalin-induced calcium transient in human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells. Chin J Physiol, 38: 75-80, 1995.
6. Bou-Hanna, C., Berthon, B., Combettes, L., Claret, M., and Laboisse, C. L. Role of calcium in carbachol- and neurotensin-induced mucin exocytosis in a human colonic goblet cell line and cross-talk with the cyclic AMP pathway. Biochem J, 299 ( Pt 2): 579-585, 1994.